La fui a ver.. sola.
Pelicula que no da para ver sola, porque habla del amor y la soledad y etcs..
La cosa se centra en una mujer que siempre es la dama d honor, nunca la que se casa.
Por alguna razon, me senti identificada.
en fin... quotes.
Le doy 6,5 estrellitas.
Jane: I never do anything like this.
Kevin: I know.
Jane: You do?
Kevin: Yes, you kept repeating that over and over last night - I never do anything like this... I NEVER do anything like this... I never do ANYTHING like this...
Kevin: What about you? You don't have any needs?
Jane: No. I'm Jesus.
Kevin: Love is patient, love is kind, love is slowly going out of your mind
Jane: I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.
Jane: I think you should just admit that you're a big softy. That this whole cynical thing is just an act so that you can seem wombded, and mysterious, and sexy.
Kevin: [pause] . Woah, woah, woah. What was the last one?
Jane: What?
Kevin: Did you say sexy?
Jane: What?
Kevin: Do you think I'm sexy?
Jane: No.
Kevin: Its OK if you do.
Jane: I don't.
no quiero leer las qoute porq la voy a ver esta noche
con una amiga y dos amigos..
no es una cita de 4 ni a nada.. los pibes nos estan odiando ya por elejir esa jeje
cuando salga (creo q no salio todavia) dragon wars, no la veas..... te podes llevar una sorpresa si queres ver una buena peli.
Pero que estoy diciendo??????? a vos te gustan esas cosas que tienen una especie de guerras de las galaxias, con un poco del señor de los anillos y guion de pelicula porno.........
anda a verla.......
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